Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oh how things have changed

Wow, ok, well the boys are starting to adjust to their little sister so that's nice. Gabriel even gives her kisses. They would rather play with her toys than their own (well they just want to sit in the swing) and they even try to share their blankets with her. So that part is fun to watch and they enjoy her. The bad news is, now they fight for attention with each other. Gabriel likes to bite and Michael likes to hit. Oh and they are both really good at throwing a fit, so I am hoping this stage will pass soon!! As for Carolina, she's a good baby, even if she has her days and nights mixed up sometimes. She is almost 3 weeks old, and she had gained a pound as of her 2 week check up. She's a good eater, and she loves her daddy!! We are missing him this week as he is in the field. I forgot for a moment that he's in the Army and that I would have to take on all 3 of them by myself but we are managing!! As for him and I? Well things are good, also adjusting to a new baby and no time to each other. hehe. He has been talking about re-enlisting in April and going to Fort Carson, CO. So we will report more on that in April. Also hope to be promoted by that time as well. I am still here at home, doing the mommy thing. We will see where the road takes us, so far it's been a journey that I wouldn't trade for anything!! Love ya guys!
Aww..See Gabriel loves his little sister

Michael is good at smiling for the camera

One of her favorite spots to sleep

Me and my boys!! (not sure what happened to the shirt??)

Her other favorite spot to sleep(oh and he would rather she was here than anywhere else)

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