Monday, October 20, 2008

We registered yay!!

As many of you probably know, we didn't register the last time and I see now how helpful it would've been. So I took the liberty of doing it online at I think that you are also able to go to the store if you are unfamiliar with the internet (mom, grandma haha!! love you) and they will print it out for you. Keep in mind some of this stuff is more of a wish list than actual getting, and some stuff Jose and I will get (yes the expensive stuff) for her. I wanted to let you all know that our theme this time is Lady Bugs. I saw the bedding and thought that would be perfect for our little girl!! She will soon be the Queen Bee in our household so I guess we will start early. As far as the pregnancy goes all is well. Our appointments have all turned out good with a strong heartbeat, great weight gain (for them maybe) and even fewer stretch marks! hehe! Every week brings new and stronger kicks to the abdomen, more sitting on the bladder at 4:00 in the morning, more punches to the ribs, but more importantly, each week brings us closer to the arrival we have been waiting on for the past 24 weeks now. I am excited to share the joys and experiences with all of you!! Keep checking back pictures of the 24 week belly will soon be posted.

1 comment:

Jennifer Miller said...

Whoot! Can't wait to see new pictures!!

Expect a package sometime by Tuesday!!